Classroom Complete Press CC5781 Carbon Footprint - Big Book - George Graybill
Students will learn how they can improve the planet by identifying their carbon footprint. In our resource, students will learn about how they can help slow the rate at which our planet is changing by becoming a part of the worldwide effort to reduce the planet's carbon footprint. Students will learn about their own, their school's, and finally their community's carbon footprint, by determining the causes of climate change through carbon dioxide that is released by human activities. Students will then be able to calculate the extent to which changes in their lifestyles can reduce their footprint. They can then extend this base of understanding to similar changes in their school and their community. Complete with a carbon footprint calculator that will allow students to pinpoint where they release the most carbon dioxide and how they can reduce it.
Author: George Graybill.
Grades: 5, 6, 7, 8.
Reading Level: 3, 4.
Total Page: 170.
Overheads: 18.